Thursday, November 14, 2019

Complete CMAE's ESSA checklist before November 22 to win breakfast for YOUR school

CMAE will bring breakfast to the CMS schools whose educators complete the largest percentage of  ESSA checklists by the last day of American Education Week (AEW).

AEW is celebrated November 18-22, next Monday through Friday. Responses collected from educators online will be used by CMAE and NCAE to create action plans, and to seek resources to meet pressing needs.

ESSA is the "Every Student Succeeds Act, the current iteration of the federal law first passed in 1965 and known as the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA).

Designed for revision at regular intervals, ESEA has been renamed several times, with each new version reflecting the priorities of Congress and the administration in office at the time. During the past 40 years, it has been known as the Education Consolidation and Improvement Act (ECIA, 1981), the Hawkins-Stafford Elementary and Secondary School Improvement Act (ESSIA, 1988), the Improving America's Schools Act (IASA, 1994), and No Child Left Behind (NCLB, 2001). NCLB was due for re-authorization in 2007 but the process was stalled by Congressional gridlock until 2015, when ESSA was negotiated and signed into law.

This time, lawmakers responded to educators' and parents' complaints that NCLB relied too heavily on federally-mandated standardized testing regimes to assess student achievement and educator effectiveness. More than any previous revision of the statute, ESSA gives states broad discretion in design and implementation of student-assessment systems, and it allows for greater input from education professionals in that process.

To gather input from educators in every school and worksite in North Carolina, NCAE uses a simple checklist that can be accessed and completed electronically. Educators can open and complete the checklist survey here to identify their priorities in addressing school needs.

When AEW ends on November 22, CMAE will tally the checklists completed by that deadline, and will schedule deliver of breakfast to the highest-performing schools through early December.

For more information, President Lawrence Brinson reviewed the content of the ESSA checklist in this October interview.

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