Sunday, June 28, 2020

Thank you CMAE - You are proof that WE will ALWAYS be greater than me.

Dear CMAE family,

I just want to take this opportunity to thank you and our amazing CMAE Leadership Team for an incredible membership year. These past few months have been hard. You and our colleagues have had to transition from normal practices to remote learning, setting up new lesson plans, devising and recording instructional videos, preparing materials, and finding new ways to check in on and connect with our students. In addition, all of you have done this while juggling the effects of COVID-19 on your own family and personal lives as well. I have seen firsthand the challenges you have faced.

Moreover, you have achieved great things despite the hardship. I have been watching and hearing about your incredible efforts, great innovations, new practices, and the new partnerships you are forging as you work to provide for our students. You are using existing resources in new ways and developing practices that will provide future benefits. Moreover, many of you are stepping up to support our wider community as well.

Regardless of your position or title within the association, our work is 100 percent volunteer and performed outside our normal day to day duties with Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools. You could have easily given up or taken a step back. However, you moved forward without asking for anything in return. 

While there have been many challenges and are more still to come, I am impressed by and grateful for your efforts. I am extremely proud of the work we have done this year. You are proof that we will ALWAYS be greater than me.

Thank you for your membership, your voice, and your commitment to education.

Lawrence B. Brinson
President, Charlotte Mecklenburg Association of Educators

From left to right: President Lawrence Brinson, Vice President Margueritta Brown, Secretary Lakisha Mills, Treasurer Brenda Iyonmahan

From left to right: ESP Rep. Mamie Davie, Elementary Reps. Linda Ingle and Valerie Vajay, and Marybeth Kubinski
From left to right Middle School Reps Tonya Waldschmidt, Jennifer Anderson, Amanda Camacho, High School Rep. Phyllis Washington

From left to right: Student Services/GRC Co- Chair Randolph Frierson, High School Rep. Stephanie Collins, Student Services/GRC Chair Winifred Muhammad, and Elementary Rep. Ruby Thompson

From left to right:Administrative Asst.  Ira Reed and Region 3 Uniserv Director Amanda Garrison
Here is a small sample of your achievements for the past membership year.

  • NCAE Power Local Award 
  • New membership growth
  • Created the CMAE Leadership Development Academy
  • Increased member engagement
  • New Association Representatives and the creation of AR teams in many schools
  • Membership & Organizing plan created and shared with UniServ & NCAE Board Members
  • Males of Color Listening Tour
  • Early Career Educator Listening Tour
  • Awarded Multiple Grants
  • NBCT Candidate Support
  • Beginning Teacher Organizing Program (BTOP) Conference
  • Presented 3 Scholarships for college bound students
  • Participated in the Early Career Educator Campaign by conducting 1:1 conversations using the ECE Data Cards 
  • Conducted Fall AR training
  • Early Career Learning Lab
  • Hosted Legislative Breakfast and Check-In
  • Elected multiple endorsed candicates
  • Contributed to the NCAE MLK Scholarship Fund

Sunday, June 7, 2020

CMAE 2020 Virtual Retirement and End of Year Celebration!

The CMAE Retirement and Scholarship Committee requests your digital presence at our 2020 Virtual Retirement and End of Year Celebration via Zoom on Friday, June 12th from 5:30pm to 6:30pm.  Please click on the link here to RSVP, where the Zoom link is included.

After such an unprecedented school year, let's celebrate a new chapter in the lives of our retirees and congratulate our scholarship winners with a triumphant and fun ending. We hope to see you there! 

Message from the President - We Must Stop Racial and Social Injustices

Dear Member,

Along with many of you, I have spent the past few days absorbing the news of protests over the killing of George Floyd. George Floyd's death followed the killings of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and the traumatic Central Park situation with Christian Cooper. Remember, all of this is happening in the middle of a global pandemic that has had a disproportionate impact on people of color and those already marginalized prior to the start of Covid 19.

We are heartbroken, frustrated, and angry. Many have said changes are coming. Yes, words and policies matter. However, actions speak more truth than words. We must break this cycle and work to end systemic racism wherever it exists. It is important for each of us, regardless of our backgrounds to ask, what is my role in this system, have I been a passive bystander, and how can I change that?

The Charlotte Mecklenburg Association of Educators has and will continue to fight for racial and social justice. We invite you to join us for upcoming conversations to highlight ways you can take action. (Dates TBD)

Thank you for your membership, your voice, and your commitment to education.

Lawrence B. Brinson
President, Charlotte Mecklenburg Association of Educators