Friday, July 17, 2020

Join Your CMAE School Leadership Team

Dear Member,

I am writing to specifically invite you to serve as part of the Association Representative team at your school. Our roster of Association Representatives indicates that members at some schools do not have a full team of representatives. To be as effective and responsive as possible to the needs of members at your school, CMAE needs a full team there, and I hope you will consider participating.

Association Representatives make it possible for us to reach and keep our members informed.

For example, we’ve sponsored events for early-career educators, delivered simultaneous series of trainings in professional development and leadership development, and changed the venue of our monthly Representative Assembly to allow for greater participation by more members. At the same time, we’ve expanded our communication methods and increased their frequency to keep all CMAE members apprised of important news and upcoming events.

This is why it is important.

CMAE is a member-driven organization. Its officers and board lead CMAE’s day-to-day work, but its monthly Representative Assembly is its highest governing body. The Assembly is made up of all the Association Representatives chosen to represent members at every school in the district. For that reason, CMAE’s Association Representatives drive the decisions and direction of CMAE. As one of your school’s Association Representatives, you will be a vital link between CMAE members and our association.

In addition, CMAE will sponsor several events in the coming months, and Association Representatives can help to keep our members informed.

CMAE is tentatively planning a Fall Training for Association Representatives. More details will be forthcoming, but we expect to include components on NCAE/NEA member benefits, a review of CMAE governance, the roles/responsibilities of Association Representatives, and an overview of opportunities, programs, and services available to members through CMAE/NCAE/NEA.

If this opportunity appeals to you, or if you know a CMAE member at your school who can and should fill this role, please complete the Association Representative Form.

As always, thank you for the work you do to strengthen CMAE.


Lawrence Brinson

Monday, July 13, 2020

CMS/CMAE Equity Committee Survey

Hello! CMAE members,

We do our best to serve and advocate for our communities, schools, students, parents, and profession as educational leaders. By advocating, we use our voices to equitably change policies and procedures which affect all of us as citizens and educators.

As your representative on the CMS Equity Committee (Family and Community Engagement Subcommittee), I am asking everyone to complete the attached survey and share with others. By completing and sharing the survey we can assure our voices are heard as it pertains to having equitable representation on PTA’s, PTO’s, PTSA’s and concerns in our schools. After the deadline on July 17th, we (the committee) will meet to analyze the data and proceed with the next step(s).

Margueritta Brown
Charlotte Mecklenburg Association of Educators
CMAE Vice President
CMAE Membership Chair
CMS Equity Committee Member

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

CMAE Announces Fall Membership Drive

Dear Members,

It is with great pleasure to introduce you to our 2020 CMAE Fall Membership Drive!  Our Membership Drive has begun and will end on Saturday, October 31, 2020 at 11:59PM.

Members, we believe in you as educational leaders of our Association who will use your voices to have meaningful conversations to nonmembers to explain how being a member benefit you and the ways being a member will benefit them.

Each new member you sign up to join under your leadership as a CMAE member, will become a member of NCAE (State Association) and NEA (National Union) which will honor them with benefits from our three tier structured Association.

Lastly members, you will earn $10.00 per new member you recruit. After you have assured the new member as completed the form or signed up on the website, you will need to bring the application to the office. Once you bring the application to the office, your name will be added to a form. This form will be used throughout the drive to log in the new members name, workplace, email address, dates joined, and contact telephone numbers.
Thank you for using your educational leadership voices as we advocate for our schools, students, profession and communities. Let us continue to grow our Association together.

Yours inclusively,

Margueritta Brown
CMAE Vice President
CMAE Membership Chair