Friday, September 4, 2020

Our Labor Must Include Racial and Social Justice

For some, Labor Day signals the end of summer, the change in weather, and a long awaited three-day weekend with family and friends. For us, we know Labor Day means so much more. Labor Day celebrates the contributions, struggles, and achievements of workers. Our educators work every day to create safer spaces for our students. 

The labor movement is more important than ever during these challenging times. Essential workers, including educators, are expected to go out when everyone else is expected to stay inside. There's an expectation for our schools to save the economy when most districts haven't recovered from the Great Recession.

The hardships many faced prior to the pandemic have been exposed and have come into focus during Covid-19.  Many families have lost jobs, are underemployed, or are worried about possible unemployment. 

CMAE continues to advocate for great public schools for all students and we are focused on electing candidates who understand the value of strong public schools. However, our commitment must remain broader than that. In addition, our advocacy must address issues that pertain to racial and social justice by building racial and social justice into our daily work. We know that when our society is more just, our communities are stronger, our schools do better, and our students succeed.

Thank you for the opportunity you have given me to serve as President of CMAE and thank you especially for all the work you do to make both our public schools and our association one of the strongest in the nation.

Enjoy today, and have a great weekend!

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