Friday, March 27, 2020

A Message From CMAE VP Margueritta Brown

Dear CMAE Member,

I hope you are practicing safety during these unprecedented times of COVID-19, adhering to set mandates by Governor Roy Cooper, CMS, and our local government officials.  But most importantly, I thank you for going beyond the call of duty to continue to educate our students virtually, while taking care of yourself and family.  You are truly a SUPERHERO.     

As your Vice President, I represent you on the STAC Committee.  Your concerns are heard and discussed in great detail. We work collectively with the district to make sure your demands and needs are met.  I want to remind you to make sure you take your concerns to your FAC representative at school. Your FAC will communicate with the principal. Then, the results are shared with staff.  The LCAC will take those unresolved concerns to STAC.  However, as a member of CMAE your concerns should come to me to send to STAC. Please send concerns to  

I want to thank you for sharing with nonmembers how The Charlotte Mecklenburg Association of Educators (Local), The North Carolina Association of Educators (State), and The National Educators Association (National) has benefitted you as an educator. Having one-on-one conversations with your colleagues, interest groups, family and friends has increased our monthly membership. When speaking with others, please inform them that as members; they represent three associations in one.  We call this our three tiers. I hope you are taking advantage of the excellent benefits offered to you.  By being a valued member, sign up for the free complimentary insurance of $1000.00 on  

Each year the Executive Board, President Lawrence Brinson, and the Instructional Professional Development Academy (IPDA) committee offer professional development free to our members in Literacy, Math, Social Justice, Equity/Diversity, Science, Dance, and Digital Learning.  This year before the coronavirus pandemic became our new normal, we were able to complete three sessions on Digital Learning in the classroom. We, (CMAE) are grateful as we met educators needs across the regions. They were able to earn CEU’s, and gain a better understanding on how to use applications in their classroom to enhance student learning. I am sure many of our participants are using the Digital learning apps now!

Please feel free to reach out to us, open the emails, read the for pertinent information, and visit CMAE on Facebook and Twitter.  Your voices and leadership matters! 

Thank you for being outstanding EDUCATORS!

Margueritta Brown

CMAE Vice President 

CMAE Membership Chair



CMS Equity Committee

4523 Park Road, 102A

Charlotte, NC 28209

Fax: 980.237.9161

Office: 704.370.1015

Cell: 704.493.0722

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